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The point is to consider the economics at the time of purchase, including the expenses for installation, operation and maintenance. The higher the accuracy of the general dynamometer, the more demanding the conditions of use and the higher the cost.
The second point is to consider the metering characteristics of the dynamometer. For example, the dynamic and static characteristics of the meter should be appropriate, not only to meet the requirements of use, but also not too high. Including the measurement range, accuracy level and stability.
The third point is to consider the conditions of use because the conditions of use affect the accuracy of the measurement results. The use conditions include normal use conditions, rated use conditions, extreme operating conditions, and the like.
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The Three Cheats for Correctly Selecting a Dynamometer
Shanghai Yaye Force Gauge Instrument as a quality manufacturer, teach the masses of users to use the dynamometer correctly. The following 3 points can help you to select the right dynamometer.