Network marketing management is a long-term and meticulous marketing management work for small and medium auto parts companies. Excessive optimism or pessimism is not conducive to the long-term development of the network marketing work of auto parts compani.......
Didi official microblogging released a message saying that according to the rules of the Beijing network car rules, Didi will stop dispatching orders for all vehicles in the Beijing area (including the six rings) before April 1. .......
In the first half of the year, commercial vehicles produced and sold 2,111,100 vehicles and 2,219,900 vehicles, which fell by 6.07% and 3.67% year-on-year. From the year-on-year increase in the first quarter to the second quarter, there was negative growth, the commercial vehicle market p.......
On October 13th, 2011, China Truck Network reporter met for the second time with Allison Mountain Molybdenum Co., Ltd.’s head of the Daheishan team, Zhou Yongkuan, for the first time on the Allison transmission and FAW liberation test drive. I.......
1.1 Frequency and Refrigeration Capacity Equation The principle of the inverter compressor is to adjust the displacement of the compressor per unit time by adjusting the speed of the compressor, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the cooling capacity. For AC variable frequency c.......