Network marketing management is a long-term and meticulous marketing management work for small and medium auto parts companies. Excessive optimism or pessimism is not conducive to the long-term development of the network marketing work of auto parts companies. A large number of automotive electronics circles hope that the operators of parts and components companies should treat network marketing with a peaceful attitude, remembering that they should not be quick and immediate. Whether it is a medium and small automobile parts and components company that is about to launch or is developing online marketing, or a small and medium-sized automobile parts and components company that has abandoned online marketing after practice, it is necessary to consider whether the following problems exist. The purpose of the website is network marketing? Internet marketing is not as simple as building a website. Auto parts companies building a website is just a working part of online marketing management. Internet marketing includes: conducting research on the online market environment in the early stage; proposing network marketing strategies and network marketing strategies, finding selling points for products or services; building their own corporate websites; website publishing and promotion, performing systemic work such as optimization, and monitoring websites. Visits, online advertising and customer conversion rates, and improvements such as long-term work. Does the company only build a corporate website? The leaders of small and medium-sized auto parts companies think that building a website is of course building a corporate website. Since there is only one company, it is of course only one website. In fact, a website is a drop of water in the Internet. If it is like a commodity in a large supermarket, if auto parts companies can build more websites, it is equivalent to launch more products and occupy as many supermarkets as possible. Shelf display space, consumers are more likely to come into contact with our products. If the products of auto parts companies face different market segments, it is better to have different websites. Such as wholesale and direct marketing should be divided into two sites. If the auto parts company's products are for different countries, there may be different languages, and separate websites need to be set up in different languages. Setting up a separate site is more conducive to the search engine's natural rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find corporate websites. Auto parts companies can not only build corporate comprehensive websites, but also suggest independent running product websites according to the target market, and can also establish industry information websites. Understand the computer can do network marketing? Many leaders of small and medium-sized auto parts companies think that network marketing management is to build a website. To build a website is, of course, a graduate of a computer major. In fact, the network marketing management needs talents of comprehensive quality. For example, doing network marketing in foreign markets requires four skills: network technology, foreign language tools, marketing knowledge, and product knowledge. From the aspect of recruitment of auto parts enterprises, computer graduates may be familiar with C language or Delphi programming language, but they are not very useful when developing auto parts network marketing, and some non-computer professional students With his own interest in self-study of these knowledge, master more comprehensive. The small and medium-sized auto parts companies must organize a project team to carry out network marketing management. The project team leader should have the overall quality of the above four aspects. Next, configure a professional designer, a more professional network programmer, 1 A more professional foreign language translator can start by recruiting a salesperson who is in charge of communicating with customers via a foreign language. If the online inquiry is too busy, then an auto parts company network sales team will be formed. To cooperate. Capital investment and direction make mistakes? The small and medium-sized auto parts companies develop network marketing management, often with insufficient resources. Their lack of confidence in online marketing, only willing to spend a few thousand dollars to design a company to design a website, and then on the business card logo on the website seems enough. On the other hand, although another part of the small and medium-sized auto parts enterprises invested a lot of money, they did not put money into practice. In fact, online marketing does not require high-performance computers, servers, or dedicated fiber. More money should be invested in two aspects. First, the salaries and bonuses of project team members are the cost of online advertising. Remember not to invest money in equipment. Do you think from the perspective of the customer? Many small and medium auto parts companies are aware of the importance of online marketing management, but people in charge of the company and even the entire company do not know how to conduct online marketing, so they look at how competitors' websites are doing and how they do it themselves. In terms of website design, many auto parts companies' websites are you copy me, I copy you, the design style is similar, the columns are similar, and even the contents are similar, do not reflect the auto parts company's personality or product personality, but also do not from the target customer group Think from an angle. In terms of website promotion, there is no consideration from the perspective of the customer. Did not consider who the potential customers are. If you do not think about these issues, there will be no targeted investment in auto parts advertising, which will lead to serious waste of advertising funds. Rotating Valve,Rotary Control Valve,Drop Through Rotary Valve,Drop Through Rotary Feeding Valve Quantum Conveying Systems Yangzhou Co.,Ltd. ,