Using tool cutting parameters to improve machine tool utilization

By optimizing the entire metal cutting process, the highest productivity and profitability can be achieved in the machining. The basis of this work is the wise use of tool cutting parameters while taking full advantage of the machine's machining capabilities.
By optimizing the entire metal cutting process, the highest productivity and profitability can be achieved in the machining. The basis of this work is the wise use of tool cutting parameters while taking full advantage of the machine's machining capabilities. The realization of effective machine tool utilization includes two important components.
One is to find ways to maximize the amount of time the machine can be used to cut metals. The second part includes making this time the most productive and the second is trying to use this time in the most productive, reliable, and most profitable way. .

Maximizing the available time The full utilization of the machine must begin by maximizing the time available for cutting the metal. Even if a machine is in the workshop 365 days a year, its production availability. In the case of a single shift every day for five days a week, the time spent on vacations and other matters is removed every year, and the time available for production each year is approximately 1,300 or 1,400 hours. Even then, not all machines cut metal during these times. Programming and setting can take a while. To make non-productive time as short as possible, manufacturers should adopt strategies that include off-line programming and modular design methods. Tool magazines and automatic tool changer speed up another time-consuming event of tool handling. Robotized work handling and exchange workbenches help reduce the time required to load original parts and unload completed parts. The time saved by increasing the programming speed, speeding up the set-up method, and simplifying the tool and work process can be used to machine parts.
Efficient use of time After implementing the strategy of maximizing the time available for cutting metals, the problem faced by manufacturers is how to use these times efficiently to produce as many products as possible at the lowest possible cost. The key is to make full use of the machine functions when the cutting edge comes into contact with the workpiece material. In addition, it is also important to understand the functional limitations of the machine.
When making plans to use available time in the most effective way, it is clear that some elements of the processing process cannot be changed. The end use of the machined part determines the material the manufacturer should use, and the machinability of the material indicates the initial cutting parameters that can be used. For example, titanium alloys have poor thermal conductivity, which requires the use of low cutting speeds and feed rates to minimize heat build-up. The function of the machine is also given, because changing the machine under normal circumstances is not a direct option. Manufacturers are aware of these factors when assessing production costs. However, if the evaluation of the machine characteristics is inaccurate and unsustainable cutting conditions are used, the expected cost and actual cost will be significantly different.
In determining the initial cutting parameters for all machining, some general rules need to be followed. The proper depth of cut and feed rate must be selected to avoid tool breakage, ensure the formation of the required chips, and limit heat generation. Excessively high cutting speeds will result in rapid tool wear, while too low a speed will prevent the tool from operating efficiently.
Quick cuts usually produce workpieces in a short period of time. Although the machining time is shortened, the tool life will be shortened and the tool cost will increase. It will be necessary to create more work to complete the work, and the downtime generated by the need to index and replace tools will increase overall operating costs. In fact, there is a trade-off between faster cutting, higher processing costs and slower cutting, and lower operating costs. Stable production efficiency and process stability lie between the two methods: Insufficient cutting parameters can reduce the cost, but the tool can not work efficiently, and the productivity will decline; while the higher and higher parameters will increase the productivity, but the tool Will quickly wear or break.
In addition, the choice of cutting conditions depends not only on the cutting tool but in most cases on the function of the machine. Different machines have different power, torque, speed, and stability limits. The most obvious limitation is power.
Only rated power does not determine the function of the machine for a specific application. A 60-kW machine seems to provide sufficient power, but if you plan to make a 12m long, 3m diameter tie roller, then 60kW is not enough. The power required to cut a specific workpiece depends on the workpiece material and dimensions, cutting depth, feed rate, and cutting speed. As the cutting force increases exponentially with the speed, the power demand will increase. Therefore, high cutting speeds may require more power than the rated power of the machine.
In addition, extreme cutting parameters may exceed the capabilities of the machine's other functions. Extremely high depths of cut generate higher forces than the stiffness of the machine's structure, and vibration may reduce part quality. Similarly, excessive feedrates generate large amounts of chips that can interfere with the cutting process and clog the chip removal system.
To maximize the use of machine tools within their functional limits, smart, balanced methods need to be applied in the development of cutting parameters. In general, it will involve reducing the cutting speed while increasing the feed rate and cutting depth accordingly. Using as great a depth of cut as possible in consideration of the stability of the machine can reduce the number of passes and therefore reduce the machining time. Depth of cut usually has minimal effect on tool life, but cutting speed has a profound effect on tool life.
At the same time, although extreme feed rates have a negative effect on the surface finish of the workpiece, the feed rate should be maximized.
When the supplier achieves a reliable combination of feed rate and depth of cut, the machining speed can be finally calibrated using the cutting speed. The goal is to use cutting conditions that provide a very effective metal removal rate and process stability. The optimal combination of machine performance and cutting parameters balances tool cost, process stability and productivity.
Future strategy If you realize that machine tool performance can limit the machining process, changing machine tools is not a simple, fast, or economical solution. It is a faster and simpler way to control cutting tool application parameters to achieve the best performance of existing machines. Even if the investment in new machine tools is feasible, the relatively long working life of equipment is an important consideration. A company may purchase a machine that matches or exceeds its current needs. Within the next five, ten, or more years, factors such as part material, size, and volume can and will change significantly. Machines can still normal operation.
In order to deal with these changes, the cutting conditions must be changed in a more sensible way.
After finding a way to maximize the time the machine can use to cut the metal, the recommended practice is to choose the tool with the most suitable base material, coating, and cutting edge geometry for the workpiece material and related machining. The next step is to choose the minimum cutting speed while ensuring the normal operation of the tool. After that, the feed rate and depth of cut should be as high as possible, taking into account the power and stability characteristics of the machine. Mathematical formulae have been created to help determine the best match between processing parameters and machine performance. If possible, the workshop may be inclined to perform field tests to obtain similar results. Normally, the formula can only confirm the facts. However, in more than 90% of cases, the simplest, most practical, most efficient uses the lower cutting speeds while using the maximum feedrate and cutting attempt, and uses the cutting speed as a calibration tool. This method can not only successfully provide reliable and productive processing, but also make full use of the processing capabilities of existing machine tools.

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