Imagine a security camera that can understand and analyze its shooting scene. The camera can find someone, who left a piece of luggage at the airport and sends an alert. It can identify a car with its color. Silicone Flow and Leveling Agent
Kylin Chemicals Co Ltd has been focusing on R&D, manufacturing and supply of Silicone based high performance surfactants for over 15 years. Our high performance Silicone surfactants and novel technologies are marketed under the trade name KylinSil. KylinSil provides effective solutions to meet our customers' needs in the industries of paints & coatings, leather, water treatment and agrochemicals, etc. We have a professional team of highly qualified, trained and experienced engineers, who are always ready to serve you at product selection, effectiveness evaluation, product optimization till fully best matching your particular application needs.
KylinSil has a broad range of Silicone surfactants products, which are similar as Dow Corning 190, Xiameter OFX-0190, Dow Corning Q2-5211, Dow Corning 57, Perenol S-83 UV, Xiameter OFX-3667, CoatOSil 1160, CoatOSil 1211, CoatOSil 2812, CoatOSil 7001, CoatOSil 7602, CoatOSil 7608, CoatOSil 77, BYK 302, BYK 306, BYK 307, BYK 331, BYK 333, BYK 346, BYK 348, BYK 378, BYK 3510, Tego Wet KL 245, Tego Wet 250, Tego Wet 270, Tego Glide B1484, Tego Glide 410, Tego Glide 432, Tego Glide 450, etc.
Other Names:
Silicone Leveling Agent; Silicone Leveling Additive; Silicone Flow Agent; Flow and Leveling Additive for leather; Flow and Leveling Additive for Coating and Paint; Flow and Leveling Additive for PU; Silicone Antifoam; Silicone Defoamer; Substrate Wetting Additive; Silicone Flow and Leveling Agent; Silicone Flatting Agent; Polyether modified polydimethylsiloxane; Organosilicone Leveling Agent; Organosilicone Antifoam; Organosilicone Defoamer.
Silicone Flow And Leveling Agent,Silicone Leveling Agent,Silicone Surfactants Leveling Kylin Chemicals Co., Ltd. ,
These are some advanced security technologies. A chip maker focuses on artificial intelligence and computer vision. Movidius, which was recently acquired by Intel, announced today that its chips have been added to devices and is one of the world's largest Internet-connected security camera vendors.
In the past five years, deep learning, a method, and artificial intelligence, have brought about incredible improvements in computer vision. It is this progress that has allowed drones to avoid obstacles and park their own cars. But it is very difficult to move these technologies to mobile devices because they usually require a lot of processing power.
Movidius designed chips for deep learning technologies that you find on smaller processors and batteries on mobile devices. It specializes in computer vision, with its numerous chip VPUs, or vision processing units.
Movidius claims that due to the large amount of processing and image analysis that can be performed on the device, the data needs to be sent back to the central server or human operators are much smaller. When it detects a serious threat or identifies a problem that requires manual intervention, smart security cameras may only share video clips.