Scientists have created the strongest new light-matter coupling record to date

According to a recent report by the Physicists Network, scientists at the Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo in Canada have created the strongest light-matter coupling record to date to more than 10 times their intensity. The researchers said the latest work, published in the journal Nature Physics, will make many of the physical studies that are currently impossible.

To achieve this strong coupling, a research team led by IQC doctor Bauer Fern-Dez, the lead author of the research paper, constructed an aluminum circuit that was then placed in a dilute refrigerant and allowed to cool to absolute zero Above one percent Celsius. At such cold temperatures, the circuit has superconducting properties, which means that current passes through them without resistance or without losing energy. The so-called superconducting qubits in these aluminum circuits follow the laws of quantum mechanics and behave like man-made atoms.

To control the quantum state of this superconducting circuit, researchers use microwave pulses to send photons into the superconducting circuit and apply a small magnetic field. By measuring photon transmission, researchers determined the resonance of the qubit. Fern-Diaz explained that they measured a wider range of resonant frequencies than the qubits themselves. This means that there is a very strong interaction between the photons and the qubits.

Fern-Diaz said: "With the latest research, we are moving the study of light-matter interactions into a new field into the field of quantum optics. Our circuits have the potential as quantum simulators for the study of other interesting Quantum systems are used for this quantum coupling between light and quantum bits to help scientists further explore the physics of strange materials or even relativity-related physics such as biological processes and HTS.

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