The safety valve marked CSC and CSO logo, CSC full name car sealed closed, CSO full name car sealed open, the former CSC said seal off, the latter CSO said seal open. In many equipment installations before and after the safety valve gate valve are open seal, when the safety valve expires when the need to re-pressure, the two valves have to be closed to remove the relief valve for pressure. If during the normal production of safety valve failure, short-term closure of the safety valve replacement or emergency repairs, you can increase the device operating rate, to avoid frequent parking. If the bursting disc or safety valve in front of the valve is CSC, which is sealed off the valve, then the bursting disc or safety valve installed pressure vessel is higher than the set pressure, the CSC valve does not automatically open, meaning Bursting disc or safety valve will not work, the pressure and no leakage, either the CSC valve is damaged, or the container burst, rupture disc or safety valve on the protection of the container will be lost. CSC is an acronym for car seal close, indicating seal closure. CSO is an abbreviation for car seal open, indicating that the seal is open. Sealing and seal closure is a safety management measures. Seal close seal said that the seal of the valve is closed, may not be opened without permission. Seal open car seal open said the seal of the valve is open, may not be closed without permission. Coupled with the lead seal (as the instrument calibration lead seal) of the valve, the state is generally not allowed to change freely, in the event of change, seal will be destroyed, the need for relevant records, and re-seal. (5MOUNTAINS) The lifting of the Elv Recycling Device is pneumatic controlled and the fuel tank drill has a rubber suction cup, so that the whole operation process has no oil leakage, convenient installation and simple operation.
In order to ensure the safety of the operation process of ELV Recycling Oil Drainage System, the equipments are all pneumatic driven, without any spark. Frames with wheels to meet the needs of different work spaces and for all types of vehicles.
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The specially designed air pump and filter could filter and clean petrol and diesel, greatly improving the utilization of valuable fuels.
Safety valve marked CSC and CSO said what does it mean
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