Fast sales of first-quarter heavy-duty transmission increased by 25.37%

In the first three quarters of this year, the production and sales revenue of the Fast Group hit another record high, accumulatively achieving a sales revenue of 5.75 billion yuan, an increase of 24.17% year-on-year; and an industrial output value of 5.508 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.54%; cumulative production and sales of heavy-duty transmissions. 392,309 units and 4,200,006 units were up 17.96% and 25.37% year-on-year respectively; all major operating indicators were close to last year's full year, and the growth rate was much higher than the industry growth rate.

Since the second half of the year, Fast Group has not only adapted itself to market adjustments, but has also achieved steady growth in production and operations, and the pace of new product development continues to accelerate. On the basis of consolidating and developing the heavy-duty truck market, Fast Transmission achieved new breakthroughs in various fields such as buses and China Cards, and was widely favored by users at home and abroad.
View related topics: Fast: Heavy-duty transmission production and sales in the world

Laser Goggles

CNI offers proper Laser goggles that protect from laser damage. The lenses are constructed to seal absorbent dyes * in rigid polycarbonate to provide excellent crack resistance and prevent subtle scratches from affecting laser protection.The optical density (OD) and LB grades of a particular wavelength range are printed on the lens or frame and cannot be erased for permanent recognition without blocking the view.

  • Absorbent dye sealed in rigid polycarbonate lenses (not brittle)
  • Surface scratches do not reduce the optical density of the lens
  • Reasonable and affordable protective goggles
  • High level optical density (OD value)
  • Lineup that can be selected according to the type of wavelength and laser


Model Typical Laser (nm) Luminousnes OD (optical density) LB-Rating
LS-G 532 50% 200 - 540nm OD 5+
315 - 540nm DIRM LB5
LS-G-2 532 30% 200 - 540nm OD 7+
315 - 540nm DIRM LB6
LS-GI 532 & 1064 30%

200 - 540nm OD 6+

900 - 1100nm OD 5+

315 - 540nm DIRM LB5

900 - 1070nm DIR LB5
LS-R 635, 694 50% 600 - 700nm OD 4+ 620 - 700nm DIR LB4
LS-R-2 635 30% 600 - 700nm OD 6+ 620 - 700nm DIR LB5
LS-RI 635 & 808 30%

630 - 660nm OD 3+

800 - 830nm OD 5+

630 - 660nm DIR LB3

800 - 830nm DIR LB5

LS-RI-2 635 & 808 & 980 35%

630 - 660 nm OD 2+

800 - 1100nm OD 5+

630 - 660nm DIR LB2

800 - 1100nm DIR LB5

LS-RI-3 635 & 905 &980 37%

630 - 660nm OD 3+

800 - 830nm OD 3+

900 - 1100nm OD5+

630 - 660nm DIR LB3

800 - 830nm DIR LB3

900 - 1100nm DIR LB5

LS-AD 755 & 808 & 1064 40%

740 - 1100nm OD 5+

780 - 1070nm OD 7+

740 - 1100nm DIR LB5

800 - 1070nm IR LB7
LS-DT 980 & 1064 & 1320 40%

800 - 1700nm OD 4+

900 - 1100nm OD 5+

800 - 1400nm DIR LB4

1400 - 1700nm DI LB3
LS-IR-HP 808 & 980 & 1064 60%

800 - 1100nm OD 5+

1060 - 1070nm OD 7+

800 - 1100nm DIR LB5

1000 - 1070 IR LB7
LS-UI 200-1400 10% 200 - 1400nm /
LS-ER 2780 & 2940 80% 2700 - 3000nm OD 6+ 2940nm DI LB3

Protective goggles selection guide

  • About optical density (OD value: Optical Density)

A laser filter that blocks a specific wavelength of laser light becomes safer to the eye as the transmittance becomes zero.

Optical density (OD value) expresses the degree of absorption as a logarithm.

The higher the optical density (OD value), the higher the safety.

For example, if a CW 1kW laser beam is transmitted through laser protective glasses with an OD value of 6, it will be 1mW.

Optical density (OD value) Transmittance (%)
0 100
1 Ten
2 1
3 0.1
Four 0.01
Five 0.001
6 0.0001
  • About VLT (Visible Light Transmittance)

Indicates the transmittance of visible light.
To the human eye, the higher the VLT value, the brighter it looks, and the lower the VLT value, the darker it looks.

Goggles for Laser

Infrared Laser Goggles,Laser Goggles,Laser Safety Goggles,Ir Laser Goggles

Changchun New Industries Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. ,