The signing ceremony for Chinese and Indonesian companies as one of the Indonesian President’s visits to China was held on March 23 in Beijing. Sinotruk Group and Indonesia’s Indah Group signed a memorandum of cooperation on establishing a commercial vehicle assembly plant in Indonesia. Liu Peimin, Chairman of China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Import & Export Corporation, signed the memorandum with the Honorary President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia and Lin Xiuli, Chairman of the Yingda Group. Liu Peimin also attended the dialog between Indonesian President Sugalo and the president of the Chinese Indonesian company. According to the memorandum, China National Heavy Duty Truck Group will cooperate with Yingda Company to establish a full range of commercial vehicle assembly plants such as heavy trucks and light trucks in the CNHTC brand in Indonesia. Liu Peimin said that at the peripheral plant, China National Heavy Duty Trucks is implementing the "going out" strategy and realizing an important move into the international market. China National Heavy Duty Truck sold up to 1,000 units in Indonesia this year. The establishment of a plant in Indonesia will help consolidate and expand CNHTC's local sales. This year, China National Heavy Duty Truck Group's exports continued to show a good momentum. In the first quarter, more than 10,000 export orders were received, a year-on-year increase of 50%. Glass acrylic crystal Force Control System Our glass crystal acrylic Force Control System, glass crystal acrylic active contact flange, glass crystal acrylic Constant Force Actuator have many advantages over other grinders. It can realize flexible grinding, quick repsond to surface changing, and instant adjusting. Traditional mechanic hand lacks flexibility, and it is not easy to adjust, hard to realize mass production. Glass crystal acrylic force control system, Glass crystal acrylic constant force actuator, Glass crystal acrylic active contact flange DARU Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. ,