Accumulation of mutations in various genes allows young people to develop cancer. We already know that mutations in cancer genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase the risk of cancer. But now medical research has shown that genetic mutations can be added little by little with a lower risk of cancer and become associated with a more deadly effect for the first time.
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To compare the genetic profiles of healthy humans with 1162 sarcomas, the development of bones and soft tissues that seriously affect cancer in young people. In particular, they are concentrated in 72 genes, some closely related sarcomas, such as the TP53 gene, while others are only weakly connected.
As they expected, the mutation in the TP53 gene increased the risk of a person's sarcoma, but it was only weak in people who had cancer but had two mutations. Even among those who have three or more mutations in such genes are stronger.
Researchers said: "Cancer is a disease in which you gradually accumulate genetic variations. This means that more genetic variations are carried around in your life." Looking at genes should allow cancers to be detected earlier, before they become fatal. It may one day become a high-risk combination of genetic mutations that routinely screen for cancer risk.
Now provide a whole body MRI scan to give people a DNA mutation in theirs to see if there is any early evidence of sarcoma. People with these types of genetic variations are asymptomatic cancers because they are in the early stages and we can actually cure them.