In early February 2004, "15" national scientific and technological project "Research on new technologies boron iron ore blast furnace separation" through acceptance. The successful research .......
The symptoms of cyanide poisoning in humans are roughly divided into three stages.
(1) mild symptom stage: At this time, there are nausea, vomiting, loose stools, etc. The taste is almond bitterness, breathing slightly faster, head c.......
Commonly used fan fans, in terms of its construction, there are two types of centrifugal and axial flow.
The centrifugal fan is shown in Figure 1. When the working wheel rotates inside the spiral casing, due to the centrifugal force .......
Circular of the State Administration of Work Safety on Several Major Explosive Accidents of Aluminum Production Enterprises in Recent Years
Safety Supervision General Ele.......
Zhibin Yu, an assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing engineering at Florida State University, explains that "the newly developed light-emitting diodes can revolutionize lighting." Often, the cost of LED lighting fixtures is a big concern, with insufficient energy sav.......
To focus on people, with core services
Participants vi.......
As mentioned earlier, garbage trucks, sweepers, and sprinklers are also known as environmental sans keens. Today Xiao Bian came to tell everyone about garbage trucks. Garbage t.......
The part extrusion process is based on the dimensions of the cold extrusion part of the part. Considering that the preformed hole is to be drilled, the volume of the extruded blank is calculated to be 8708 mm3 according to the principle of volume. The blank is 16mm fine drawn round steel, .......